Sunday, February 1, 2015

Don't let the blog title fool you---today I had a lazy day!

I'll mostly be posting recipes and food plans.
I started (re-started) WW a couple of weeks ago.
I have my 3rd weigh-in tomorrow and as of last week I'm down 10 lbs.  Yay me!

Today was a pretty lazy day.  I left the house only once to get Dylan from CCD.
Came home and went through some bags of clothes that I wasn't sure were for Goodwill or the Attic.  Then dug out all my shoes from under my bed.  Put laundry away, learned how to play a DVD on the Xbox (yes I just learned that) and then did some lazing around and napping.

Breakfast was an omelet with mushrooms, onions, 1 whole egg, egg whites, FF Feta cheese.  I had a toasted sandwich thin and an orange.

Lunch was turkey and barley soup that I made yesterday.

Dinner was mini-meatloaf and roasted potatoes (that I made yesterday), steamed green beans and a salad with white Balsamic dressing.

See yesterday, I was productive.  I did some meal planning and cooking. I made mini-meatloaves for the week.  I also roasted potatoes. I made taco meat with ground turkey and then I used left overs from a Turkey breast that I roasted on Thursday for soup and for wraps for lunch this coming week.